Here's to you Rachel Robinson by Judy Blume

One thing about my blog is that I try to post all book reviews, whether they are new or old books. I know I haven't been posting them as much lately, it is just that I have been busy with the holidays and the new year. I am going to post most of my reviews that I wrote since May of 2009. Hopefully I will be better this year with posting all of them on time. Here are my thoughts on Here's to you Rachel Robinson, a kids book.

You may wonder why I decided to read a kids/childrens book, well it is because I was doing a challenge last year and one of the categories was to read YA/Children books. It is nice to see what you think of a book that you had when you were little now that you are older.

This is a very nice easy read for young pre-teens. I read the book just because I wanted a nice light easy read. I found myself laughing at the girls in the book as I remembered acting sometimes like them.

Rachel Robinson is a 13 year old girl who is highly intelligent and loves to learn. She is the youngest of the children in her family. She has an older brother who she finds annoying. I am sure many sisters would agree that their brother would be annoying too.

Rachel has two friends who she shares almost everything with. Her friends find her brother cute and interesting which makes her mad at them sometimes.
41/2 stars


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