Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey- My review...

This book has been sitting on my TBR pile for about a year and I decided to read this book now for a few reasons. One of the reasons is I had seen Steve Harvey on the Dr. Phil Show promoting this very book. Reason number 2 is with the problems I am currently having in my marriage I thought this book could possibly enlighten me about men. Now you know there is a third reason, always a third reason. The third reason is because I had read Maria Bastillo's book Act Like a Gentleman, Think Like a Woman, (Absolutely wonderful book), which was written in response to this book. Those are the reasons I decided to read Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man.

So far I have to say this book is funny, informative and is proof that women are superior to men. Okay now that I have your attention you maybe asking yourself why I say women are superior to men. I will just say that is my opinion. The reason I feel that way is because from just reading 50 pages, I feel that men have no depth to their personalities. Women can handle a lot while a man can only handle 3 things and that is to Profess their love for you, (possibly only once in a blue moon), provide for you and protect you and that is it. Men think that is all that matters, those are important yet a true man can grow and learn to add more to their personalities. Women are able to achieve those 3 elements and also include nurturing, listening, friendship and we can also make sure you get the best damn "cookie" in the bedroom without thinking of ourselves. Yes that is how I feel from reading 50 pages.

Now this book is written in 3 parts. Part 1 is the Mind Set of a Man. My first two paragraphs about sum that section up. Part 2: Why Men do What they do. I could say a few choice words or statements to answer this question but I will wait till late to voice them. Part 3: The Playbook: How to win the Game (Do we really want to?). By winning the game Steve is implying that all women want is the ring.

So I have read part 2 and still I believe that women are superior to men. I also feel that men are very self centered. Now part two discusses Why men are the way they are. Well I will try to say this as nice as possible,Men don't think with their brains, they think with their... you know what they think with. In this book Steve Harvey "enlightens" women to the fact that men do what they do because they can. I have to say that is true, or better yet I will say me do what they do because they think they can. This section informs us that men only want one thing from women and I don't have to tell you what it is. Men also think about women in two ways either a Keeper or a Throw back. Also covered in this section is Why Men Cheat. From personal experience I have to say men cheat because they are a**holes, idiots, and only care about themselves. I do have to say that I found the cheating chapter informative and did help me in realizing that I don't want to be with a man who cheats. Once a man cheats he is always going to be a cheater. Even after being married for 21 years, he will always be a cheater. This section can be helpful if you are open to actually realizing that things about yourself, men and how you handle relationships.

Now onto the Playbook, so that us women can win the true man of our dreams!!! I have to tell you I wrote in this book. Don't get mad or angry, I usually don't write in books but this section allows it and so I decided to do it. So that I can set my standards and get the respect I deserve from a man.

The third section tells us how to get the final prize of the ring. Steve Harvey reiterates over and over again that men are simple beings. They don't think as much about commitment as women do. I found this section very informative in telling women what to do and not to do to gain the commitment they want. Women should not get into deep with a man before asking questions. Steve mentions 5 questions we should ask over a period of time and before giving up the cookie.

There is so much a woman will learn from reading Act Like a Lady, Think like a Man. You will gain a better understanding of how 2 dimensional men really are. Now that I have read Steve Harvey's book I am hoping to try some of his suggestions mentioned in the book. I also found myself analyzing my current relationship which seems on the verge of a divorce. Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is a wonderful book for all women to read.

Remember Women to always act Like a Lady, because it will make your man happy!!!

4 stars


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