Review-Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown

I have to first start off by saying that I have never trusted anyone who was or is a politician. I have always said that politicians lie, cheat and steal from their so called friends. So now on that happy note I have to say that I am some what surprised at what I read in Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. Mainly because of the way The White men swindled the Indians out of their land. As I read the book I would gasp at the things that I read. I hate to even think that I am possibly related to any of those white men. I do remember reading about the Trail of Tears, when I worked in the fourth grade. I just remember not really understanding why that happened. You are made to think that the Indians did some thing wrong and are savages.

This is a book that everyone should take the time to read. There is so much more information in this book then in any American History book you will ever read. We owe those Indians a lot. As I was reading the book I was talking to my husband's one uncle and he said that I would be shocked by the truth. He was right. And to think that all these years I never knew what I know now. I am glad to say that my kids are part Indian/Native American on their father's side. My son has been told that he looks like a Native American even with is red hair and blue eyes.

I loved this book and I am going to be looking for more books about Indians/Native American. I give this book 5 stars.


Anonymous said…
Thanks to this review, I finally ordered (and received) a copy, but I haven't started it yet.

BTW, this is BrainFlakes on LT, aka professor b. worm on my blog, and Charlie in "real" life.
Nutz4reading said…
Glad to see that my review did that for you. I hope you enjoy the book. Thanks for the comment and following my blog.

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