Review of Peter Carrot-top in Search of the 8th Key

Well this review is not going to be nice. Peter Carrot-top is a book that I had to force myself to finish reading. When I had originally seen this book offered on Member Giveaway it sounded interesting and I thought I'd give it a try. Unfortunately Peter Carrot-top did not capture my attention. I found the book very slow going in the beginning. I know that the beginning of books can be boring but this book was poorly written. It felt choppy to me as I was reading the book.

This book is about ghosts, wizards, good vs. evil, and the elders of Baja. Baja is going to have a war amongst the wizards and ghosts of Baja. The concept for the book is different and I feel had the potential to be a very interesting story. Yolanda Jackson does not bring forth a good story. I found many grammatical errors, words missing in sentences and just general horrendous editing.

I am glad to say that I finished the story and can be very honest that the story took a long time to really get interesting. It took until approximately chapter 18 to really get to the adventure and battles, but once again it felt drawn out and overly wordy. Once you get to the final battle and Peter needs to get the key to free the elders it is interesting and then every think works out and the story ends. As I was reading the book, a chapter would start to get interesting, then the next chapter would start and it would become monotonous.

I would not recommend this book just because I did not enjoy it. There may be someone out there that would enjoy this style of writing but I did not. This book rates 1 star out of 5


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