Review - That Day in September by Artie Van Why


I am finally getting to post my review for That Day in September.  I wanted to post it in September but I work in a school district and it was just so hectic at work I didn't have the time.  Better late then never.

I want to thank Mr. Artie Van Why for giving me a chance to read his story on the events of September 11, 2001. That Day in September is the first book I have ever read about that fateful day. I do have a fascination about actual events and to have the chance to feel what it was like to be there through the words of someone that was there is one that I will never pass up.

That Day In September had me tearing up right from the beginning. I know what I was doing when the attack happened and it touch me then and it touch me again reading this book. Yet to read a first hand experience makes me realize how much different it was for me then for everyone in New York. I cannot even start to say what it was like to be working right next to the World Trade Center and hearing a loud boom.

Mr. Van Why writes from the heart as he recounts his steps during the attack on the World Trade Center and the days and months that follow. Most of us may have suffered for a few days but those who live and work in New York saw the damage for months after the incident. They had a reminder of all the lives lost every day. There are parts of the book when Artie talks about strangers comforting each other and how he felt like New York had become like a family to him.

Everyone of us should reflect and remember September 11, 2001 especially with the 10th anniversary so close upon us now. Take the time to read That Day in September and remember those lives lost.

5 stars


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