My first read of 2012- I am behind in posting

Well I am finally getting around to posting my first read of 2012.  I have been very busy with life this year.  My job is keeping me busy along with my family, animals and friends.  I have also started on a journey of losing weight.  I have been on this weight loss journey for over a year and I am making exercise and activity a priority.  Which means less time to read and post on here.

My first read of 2012 was a Neil Gaiman book.  I had read one of his books last year and continued with reading him for a challenge I was doing on a site called Goodreads.  This isn't one of my best reviews.  I am still going to share it with you guys.

My second Neil Gaiman book and my first for this year. I now have to wonder why I waited so long to read Mr. Gaiman's work.

Stardust was a very interesting read. I can't decide if this is one of my favorites just yet since I have only read two books my Neil Gaiman. I did enjoy the story and I am now interested in seeing the movie. The ending was surprising and not quite what I expected which made the story more interesting.

I give it 5 stars!


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