In Harm's Way by Ridley Pearson ~ Review

Well I won this book through LibraryThing's Early Reviewers Program. Most of the ARCs I have read and reviewed on this blog have been won through that program. I am always thrilled when I win a book from the ER program. I know some people that seem to do this for a living. They either receive books from actual publishers or authors. There reviews are also much better written then mine, even though sometimes I just skim the review because the review is too long for my liking. Now onto my review.

This is the first book that I have ever read by Ridley Pearson and I have to say I find his work pleasantly enticing. I love reading mysteries and was thrilled to win this book from the Early Reviewers program. I started reading the book as soon as it arrived in my mailbox.

In Harm's Way is the 4th book in the Walt Fleming Novels. I am honored to say that I was able to enjoy the book even though I was not familiar with the characters in the novel prior to reading this book.

Walt Fleming is sheriff in a small town in Idaho who is raising two twin eleven year old girls. I found Walt Fleming to be a complex character while still being interesting and entertaining. He has a small staff of deputies and a photographer whom is the love interest of Walt. I found some of the characters of little interest and didn't create a bond towards them while reading In Harm's Way.

In Harm's Way is a well crafted story of intrigue and suspense. As I read the book I found myself getting more and more drawn into the story and thinking I knew who did it before I finally reached the end. It is enjoyable when reading a book and not being able to figure out who committed the crime before the end. I was getting to the point where I started to actually talk back to the characters while reading the book. When that happens you know I am drawn into the story.

I will be looking at my library to see if they have any of his books and if not maybe make a request to see if they will in the future. I enjoyed the book and found the writing fun and at times a little tiresome. I felt that Walt would say the same things over and over again and that became annoying at times. Otherwise I enjoyed the story and to me that is the most important thing in a book. You should enjoy the story and not nit pick about writing style unless it really ruins the whole book for you, in my opinion.

I give In Harm's Way 4 1/2 stars out of 5.


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