The movie I didn't enjoy...

Well this may be a humdinger to those that know me. I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I have to say that what really got me into Harry Potter was the fact that they were making a movie of the first book, The Sorcerer's Stone. Once I heard about the movie I had to read the book and all I have to say is Thank God for WB doing the movies otherwise I don't think I would have picked the books up.

I am sure you have guessed that the movie I didn't enjoy was an HP movie. Yes that is correct. There is an HP movie that I didn't like when I saw it for the first time in the movie theater. Let me give you some background on my HP movie experiences. When the first movies came out I would see them usually once. At about the 3rd movie I decided to see the movies at midnight and then take the next day off and see it either 3 or 4 times that day. Well I loved each one the first time except for one.

I will say that I did learn after the first couple of movies not to expect everything that was in the books to be in the movie. That is fine I understand that not everything converts well to film. Each of the HP movies improved every time. After I saw the movie I couldn't wait for the next one to come out. I felt that way after Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, etc... Now for the exception to that previous statement is the last movie that was released last year at this time.

Yes I did not enjoy Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I was anticipating this movie since I had finished reading the book with the same title and the last book in the series. I was expecting so much from this movie. This was the book that leads up to the war between good and evil. You learn so much about all the characters, Voldemort, Snape, Draco etc... Some of that was there.

I left the theater after seeing the movie at midnight with a bad taste in my mouth. I thought, I am going to see this tomorrow, ugh. I didn't feel a cliff hanger at the end. I felt cheated. I felt blah. I felt like I didn't want to see the last movie when it came out. I was ready to say it was good while it lasted.

Now you maybe thinking, why, so what, you know the books are almost always better then the movies. Yes that maybe true but I still didn't like the movie. I should have know when the movie got a PG rating instead of PG-13 like the 2 previous movies had been rated. Knowing how GoF and OoP books were I figured the HBP movie should also have had a PG-13 possibly R rating. Well it didn't, they made a movie that was just too cute for what should have happened.

I know that in the book there is budding romances and all the characters are starting to realize their attraction to the opposite sex. That is fine but to make that the most important aspect of this movie was just ludicrous. That was nice brevity for the book and the movie but not the whole meaning of the Half Blood Prince. Each book and movie was always about the titles. You want to know who is the Half Blood Prince, the Prisoner of Azkaban etc. I didn't feel that in this movie. I felt it to babyfied (if that is even a word), too much of the sweetness instead of the fights.

My biggest disappointment was the way you find out who the Half Blood Prince is. I just felt oh that was it. I felt Bellatrix was too goofy instead of scary. My son was watching the movie recently and he asked me who the HBP was. He just wanted to know because he thought the person was supposed to be an actual prince. The thing that I don't feel came across well in the movie was that the person who is the HBP is not because they are nobility but it is their mother's last name and that he/she is a Half Blood. I am sure those who are reading this post know who the HBP is I just don't feel comfortable stating it. I don't know why, I guess I just don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen the movie.

Now I do have to say that after watching the movie over and over and over for the past couple of weeks, I enjoy the movie and I am looking forward to the last two due out in Nov. 2010 and July 2011. I am looking forward to them because of the previews that I have seen. I hope they live up to what they should be which is R rated movies. Please don't down play the war in these movies. They are supposed to be dark!!

Now I think I have said enough about this movie. I hope to see you all around my blog soon!!


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