Sidney Sheldon's After the Darkness by Tilly Bagshawe ~ Review

I won this book through Library Things Early Reviewers program. Sidney Sheldon's After the Darkness is a wonderfully written story of suspense, intrigue, mystery and betrayal. The principle character in After the Darkness is Grace Brookstein. Her character goes through so many changes and growth from the start of the story. Grace is the wife of Lenny Brookstein, who died while out on his boat and the death is ruled a suicide. Lenny is the financial wizard behind an investment company called Quorum.

After the Darkness starts out with Grace on trial for theft of billions of dollars through Quorum. She is innocent and feels that she will be cleared of all charges. Her trusting nature is what causes her many problems and heartbreak through the story. Those who she thought were her family and friends turn on her and don't want to help her during her trial and even after her day in court. She is surprised by her family's reaction. This is when Grace starts to go through a change. She is a lady that is used to things always being easy for her. Grace goes from a trusting, innocent child like woman to a woman of strength and realizes her true worth and that she can stand on her own two feet without the help of a man. I found myself eagerly hoping for her to survive every obstacle and hardship she encountered during the story.

Once you start reading After the Darkness you will not be able to stop. After the Darkness is a page turning novel of intrigue and suspense. I loved how the story was summarized at the end of the book. The ending for Grace is one of pure surprise. You may like it or you may feel jilted.

5 stars


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